Waterfall Toroyacu also known as 'Sunipicausani.'
Is located in the district of San Roque de Cumbaza, in the province of Lamas, in the region of San Martin. This waterfall is precipitated by a sheath of considerable height. The waterfall of Toroyacu, has a slope whose height reaches a hundred and thirty meters, which is why, when it precipitates, it causes a strong sound against the water of the pool that receives its flow. The pool in which this waterfall concludes is suitable for visitors to bathe and is more than recommended, especially for those adventurers who dare to follow the route on foot to the waterfall.
We had an unforgettable experience with this last group, beautiful people!
Thank you: Nelson, Betty, Albert and our local guides of the native community of Chiricyacu :Rosendo and Edgar.
See you in our next alter-native experience :